The Python Quants

DX Analytics

A Python-based Library for Derivatives Analytics

Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch

The Python Quants GmbH


NYCPython Meetup "For Python Quants" – 16 January 2014


This talk focuses on

  • brief history of (relevant) finance research
  • analytical vs. numerical option pricing
  • Python for derivatives analytics
  • overview of DX Analytics
  • selected use cases for DX Analytics

A brief bio:

  • Ph.D. in Mathematical Finance
  • Python since 10 Years
  • Founder of Visixion GmbH – The Python Quants
  • Managing Director of The Python Quants GmbH
  • Lecturer Mathematical Finance at Saarland University
  • Book "Derivatives Analytics with Python"
  • Book "Python for Finance" (in July 2014, O'Reilly)
  • Martial Arts Enthusiast


You can find these Slides here:

A Brief History of Option Pricing Research

Important Milestones (I), from a rather personal perspective.

  • Bachelier (1900) – Option Pricing with Arithmetic Brownian Motion
  • Einstein (1905) – Rigorous Theory of Brownian Motion
  • Samuelson (1950s) – Systematic Approaches to Option Pricing
  • Black Scholes Merton (1973) – Geometric Brownian Motion, Analytical Option Pricing Formula
  • Merton (1976) – Jump Diffusion, Option Pricing with Jumps
  • Boyle (1977) – Monte Carlo for European options
  • Cox Ross Rubinstein (1979) – Binomial Option Pricing

Important Milestones (II), from a rather personal perspective.

  • Harrison Kreps Pliska (1979/1981) – General Risk-Neutral Valuation, Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
  • Cox Ingersoll Ross (1985) – Intertemporal General Equilibrium, Short Rates with Square-Root Diffusion
  • Heston (1993) – Stochastic Volatility, Fourier-based Option Pricing
  • Bates (1996) – Heston (1993) plus Merton (1976)
  • Bakshi Cao Chen (1997) – Bates (1996) plus Cox Ingersoll Ross (1985)
  • Carr Madan (1999) – Using Fast Fourier Transforms for Option Pricing
  • Longstaff Schwartz (2001) – Monte Carlo for American Options
  • Gamba (2003) – Monte Carlo for (Complex) Portfolios of Interdependent Options

Analytical vs. Numerical Option Pricing

The Famous Black-Scholes-Merton Formula

Black Scholes Merton (1973) consider a financial model with a geometric Brownian motion representing the value of the only traded, risky asset:

\(dS_t = r S_t dt + \sigma S_t dZ_t\)

with \(S\) the stock price, \(r\) the risk-free rate, \(\sigma\) the volatility and \(Z\) a Brownian motion.

The other traded asset is a risk-less bond yielding the risk-free interest rate:

\(dB_t = r B_t\)

In this setting, Black Scholes Merton (1973) derive a closed-form solution for the price of a European call option as follows:

\[ \begin{eqnarray*} C(S_t, K, T, r, \sigma^{imp}) &=& S_{t} \cdot \mathbf{N}(d_{1})-e^{-r(T-t)} \cdot K \cdot \mathbf{N}(d_{2}) \\ \mathbf{N}(d)&=&\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{d}e^{-\frac{1}{2}x^{2}}dx \\ d_{1}&=&\frac{\log \frac{S_{t}}{K}+(r+\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2})(T-t)}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} \\ d_{2}&=&\frac{\log \frac{S_{t}}{K}+(r-\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2})(T-t)}{\sigma \sqrt{T-t}} \end{eqnarray*} \]

Here, \(\mathbf{N}\) stands for the cdf of the normal distribution.

In [1]:
class call_option_analytical(object):
    ''' Class for European call option valuation in BSM model.
    Analytical fomula.'''    
    from math import log, sqrt, exp
    from scipy import stats
    global log, sqrt, exp, stats
    def __init__(self, S0, K, T, r, sigma):
        self.S0 = float(S0)
        self.K = K
        self.T = T
        self.r = r
        self.sigma = sigma
    def present_value(self):
        d1 = ((log(self.S0 / self.K) + (self.r + 0.5 * self.sigma ** 2) * T)
                / (self.sigma * sqrt(T)))
        d2 = ((log(self.S0 / self.K) + (self.r - 0.5 * self.sigma ** 2) * T)
                / (self.sigma * sqrt(T)))
        value = (self.S0 * stats.norm.cdf(d1, 0.0, 1.0)
                - self.K * exp(-self.r * self.T) * stats.norm.cdf(d2, 0.0, 1.0))
        return value

Let us generate a benchmark example for a European call option valuation.

In [2]:
S0 = 100
K = 100
T = 1.0
r = 0.05
sigma = 0.2
In [3]:
call = call_option_analytical(S0, K, T, r, sigma)
In [4]:

One of the undeniable advantages of the analytical pricing formula is the speed when it comes to the numerical evaluation.

In [5]:
values = []
for K in np.linspace(80, 120, 5000):
    call.K = K
K = 100.
CPU times: user 973 ms, sys: 4.63 ms, total: 978 ms
Wall time: 982 ms

The Monte Carlo Simulation Alternative

The Monte Carlo estimator for the European call option's value with strike \(K\) is given by

\(C_0 \approx e^{-rT} \frac{1}{I} \sum_I \max[S_T(i)-K, 0]\)

where we can simulate the values of the risky asset at maturity using the log Euler discretization scheme

\(\log S_t = \log S_{t - \Delta t} + (r - 0.5 \sigma^2 ) \Delta t + \sigma \sqrt{\Delta t} z_t\)

In [6]:
class call_option_monte_carlo(object):
    ''' Class for European call option valuation in BSM model.
    Monte Carlo simulation'''    
    import numpy as np    
    def __init__(self, S0, K, T, r, sigma, M, I):
        self.S0 = float(S0)
        self.K = K; self.T = T
        self.r = r; self.sigma = sigma
        self.M = M; self.I = I
    def generate_paths(self):
        dt = self.T / self.M
        ran = np.random.standard_normal((self.M + 1, self.I))
        ran = (ran - ran.mean()) / ran.std()
        paths = S0 * np.exp(np.cumsum((self.r - 0.5 * self.sigma ** 2) * dt
                + self.sigma * np.sqrt(dt) * ran, axis=0))
        paths[0] = S0
        return paths
    def present_value(self):
        paths = self.generate_paths()
        present_value = (np.exp(-self.r * self.T)
                         * np.sum(np.maximum(paths[-1] - self.K, 0)) / self.I)
        return present_value

A first trial with the Monte Carlo based valuation approach.

In [7]:
call_mcs = call_option_monte_carlo(S0, K, T, r, sigma, M=50, I=10000)
In [8]:
print call_mcs.present_value()
CPU times: user 48.7 ms, sys: 9.69 ms, total: 58.4 ms
Wall time: 57.7 ms

Already quite good.

Adding more paths only improves the convergence of the MCS estimator in the limit.

In [9]:
call_mcs.I = 50000  # more paths
print call_mcs.present_value()  
CPU times: user 249 ms, sys: 41.5 ms, total: 291 ms
Wall time: 290 ms

However, we also have the number/length of time intervals as a second parameter to improve convergence and precision; although at the cost of a longer computing time.

In [10]:
call_mcs.M = 500  # more steps
print call_mcs.present_value()  # more time steps
CPU times: user 2.47 s, sys: 679 ms, total: 3.14 s
Wall time: 3.17 s

Some General Considerations

Potential problems with analytical formulae for pricing/valuation:

  • black box
  • limited/specific use cases
  • no consistent value aggregation
  • no consistent risk aggregation/netting
  • no full distribution (only point estimate)
  • no incorporation of correlation

Sometimes significant advantages of analytical formulae for pricing/valuation:

  • often easy to understand and apply (without knowing about the theory behind it)
  • in general high speed for numerical evaluations
  • low technical requirements (computing power, memory)
  • implementable on "every" machine
  • easy testing/maintenance of implemented formulae

Alleged drawbacks of alternative numerical methods (such as simulation):

  • compute intensive
  • memory intensive
  • accuracy issues (e.g. convergence)
  • conceptual problems (e.g. American exercise)
  • implementation issues (e.g. algorithms, performance, memory)
  • testing/maintenance issues (e.g. test coverage)

On the other hand, many benefits from numerical methods (such as simulation):

  • highly flexible and powerful (any model, any derivative, any portfolio)
  • full distributional view (values, risk, portfolio)
  • consistent value aggregation (path-wise)
  • consistent risk measures (full distribution)
  • consistent estimation of netting effects (path-wise)
  • consistent incorporation of (time-varying) correlations
  • full graphical analysis (no black boxes or corners)

Our class for the Monte Carlo valuation allows for valuable insights "behing the scenes".

In [11]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.hist(call_mcs.generate_paths()[-1], bins=30)
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('value at maturity'); plt.ylabel('frequency')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x106c8c0d0>

Advances in Technology

Not too long ago ...

  • desktops, notebooks (maybe connected via Internet)
  • dedicated, individual servers (if at all)
  • single or few cores, little memory
  • low level programming languages (C, Fortran)
  • mainly sequential execution of code
  • (prohibitively) high costs for high performance

Today, we are a bit more lucky ...

  • desktops, notebooks as workstations
  • Cloud-based computing (with custom nodes)
  • many cores, large memory, powerful GPUs
  • high level programming languages (Python)
  • on demand scalability and parallelization
  • low (variable) costs for even large machines

DX Analytics

General ideas and approaches:

  • general risk-neutral valuation ("Global Valuation")
  • Monte Carlo simulation for valuation, Greeks
  • Fourier-based formulae for calibration
  • arbitrary models for stochastic processes
  • single & multi risk derivatives
  • European and American exercise
  • completely implemented in Python
  • hardware not a limiting factor

Global Valuation at its core:

  • non-redundant modeling (e.g. of risk factors)
  • consistent simulation (e.g. given correlations)
  • consistent value and risk aggregation
  • single positions or consistent portfolio view

Python specifics:

  • heavy use of classes and object orientation
  • NumPy ndarray class for numerical data
  • Python dictionaries (mainly) for meta data

Lines of code (as of 12. Jan 2014): ca. 2,000

Some Simple Examples

In [12]:
from DX_Lib_Valuation import *


One of the most simple classes is the one for constant short rate discounting.

In [13]:
r = constant_short_rate('short_rate', 0.05)
In [14]:
time_list = pd.date_range(start='2014/6/1', end='2014/12/31', freq='M').to_pydatetime()
array([datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2014, 7, 31, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 31, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 30, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 31, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 30, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31, 0, 0)], dtype=object)

The class generates discount factors for a given list of datetime objects.

In [15]:
array([[datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 30, 0, 0), 0.97510952647028781],
       [datetime.datetime(2014, 7, 31, 0, 0), 0.97925920727161508],
       [datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 31, 0, 0), 0.98329184073585585],
       [datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 30, 0, 0), 0.98747634223321412],
       [datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 31, 0, 0), 0.99154281422884716],
       [datetime.datetime(2014, 11, 30, 0, 0), 0.99576242860877573],
       [datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31, 0, 0), 1.0]], dtype=object)

Alternatively, you can provide relative points in time as fractions of years.

In [16]:
time_list_delta = get_year_deltas(time_list)
In [17]:
r.get_discount_factors(time_list_delta, dtobjects=False)
array([[ 0.        ,  0.97510953],
       [ 0.08493151,  0.97925921],
       [ 0.16986301,  0.98329184],
       [ 0.25205479,  0.98747634],
       [ 0.3369863 ,  0.99154281],
       [ 0.41917808,  0.99576243],
       [ 0.50410959,  1.        ]])

Market Environment

For almost all (model & valuation) classes, we need to define a market environment.

In [18]:
me_jd = market_environment('jd', dt.datetime(2014, 7, 1))
In [19]:

A market environment mainly collects necessary constants and curves.

In [20]:
me_jd.add_constant('initial_value', 100.)
me_jd.add_constant('volatility', 0.2)
me_jd.add_constant('lambda', 0.7)  # jump probability
me_jd.add_constant('mu', -0.8)  # average jump size
me_jd.add_constant('delta', 0.2)  # volatility of jump
me_jd.add_constant('currency', 'USD')  # currency
me_jd.add_constant('frequency', 'B')  # pandas date_range frequency string
me_jd.add_constant('paths', 10000)  # number of paths
me_jd.add_constant('final_date', dt.datetime(2014, 12, 31))
In [21]:
me_jd.add_curve('discount_curve', r)  # instance of discount class


Equipped with an instance of a market environment, you can initialize a model class, e.g. for a jump diffusion.

In [22]:
jd = jump_diffusion('jd_obj', me_jd)
In [23]:
paths = jd.get_instrument_values(fixed_seed=True)
In [24]:
paths[-1]  # all values at final date
array([ 117.52748895,  105.12635975,   88.36302764, ...,   99.32911215,
         92.31849354,   60.24410991])

Since you have access to all the data, detailed plots are only a couple of lines of code away.

In [25]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.plot(jd.time_grid, paths[:, 10:20])
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('date'); plt.ylabel('index level')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10d2da910>


For valuation purposes, there are a number of valuation classes available, e.g. for European options with "arbitrary" payoffs. Again a market environment is needed.

In [26]:
me_call = market_environment('call', dt.datetime(2014, 7, 1))
In [27]:
me_call.add_constant('maturity', dt.datetime(2014, 12, 31))
me_call.add_constant('currency', 'USD')
In [28]:
call = valuation_mcs_european('call', me_call, jd, payoff_func='np.maximum(maturity_value - 100., 0)')

The valuation provides a number of methods, e.g. for valuation and Greeks estimation.

In [29]:
In [30]:
In [31]:

Let us compile a couple of more statistics for the call option.

In [32]:
s_list = np.arange(80., 120.1, 5.)
pv = []; de = []; ve = []
for s in s_list:
CPU times: user 7.59 s, sys: 527 ms, total: 8.11 s
Wall time: 8.14 s

The DX Analytics library provides a couple of standardized plotting functions.

In [33]:
plot_option_stats(s_list, pv, de, ve)

Case Study

We now want to implement a more complex case with multiple, correlated risk factors and multiple derivatives.

The Market

The discounting class is central for risk-neutral pricing.

In [34]:
# constant short rate
r = constant_short_rate('r', 0.06)

Our market consists of three assets.

In [35]:
# market environments
me_gbm = market_environment('gbm', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
me_jd = market_environment('jd', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
me_sv = market_environment('sv', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))

Market environment for geometric Brownian motion.

In [36]:
# geometric Brownian motion
me_gbm.add_constant('initial_value', 36.)
me_gbm.add_constant('volatility', 0.2) 
me_gbm.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')
me_gbm.add_constant('model', 'gbm')

Market environment for jump diffusion.

In [37]:
# jump diffusion
me_jd.add_constant('initial_value', 36.)
me_jd.add_constant('volatility', 0.2)
me_jd.add_constant('lambda', 0.5)
    # probability for jump p.a.
me_jd.add_constant('mu', -0.75)
    # expected jump size [%]
me_jd.add_constant('delta', 0.1)
    # volatility of jump
me_jd.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')
me_jd.add_constant('model', 'jd')

Market environment for stochastic volatility model.

In [38]:
# stochastic volatility model
me_sv.add_constant('initial_value', 36.)
me_sv.add_constant('volatility', 0.2)
me_sv.add_constant('vol_vol', 0.1)
me_sv.add_constant('kappa', 2.5)
me_sv.add_constant('theta', 0.4)
me_sv.add_constant('rho', -0.5)
me_sv.add_constant('lambda', 0.0)
    # probability for jump p.a.
me_sv.add_constant('mu', 0.0)
    # expected jump size [%]
me_sv.add_constant('delta', 0.0)
    # volatility of jump
me_sv.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')
me_sv.add_constant('model', 'svjd')

You can share common constants and curves by adding whole market environment objects to another one.

In [39]:
# valuation environment
val_env = market_environment('val_env', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
val_env.add_constant('paths', 5000)
val_env.add_constant('frequency', 'W')
val_env.add_curve('discount_curve', r)
val_env.add_constant('starting_date', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
val_env.add_constant('final_date', dt.datetime(2014, 12, 31))
In [40]:
# add valuation environment to market environments

We have now our market together. What is still missing are correlations.

In [41]:
underlyings = {'gbm' : me_gbm, 'jd' : me_jd, 'sv' : me_sv}
correlations = [['gbm', 'jd', 0.5], ['jd', 'sv', -0.75]]

The Derivatives

American Put Option

First, the market model for the underlying.

In [42]:
gbm = geometric_brownian_motion('gbm_obj', me_gbm)
In [43]:
me_put = market_environment('put', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
me_put.add_constant('maturity', dt.datetime(2014, 12, 31))
me_put.add_constant('strike', 40.)
me_put.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')

Then the model for the option.

In [44]:
am_put = valuation_mcs_american('am_put', mar_env=me_put, underlying=gbm,
                       payoff_func='np.maximum(strike - instrument_values, 0)')
In [45]:
am_put.present_value(fixed_seed=False, bf=5)

European Maximum Call on 2 Assets

We need a second underlying for the Maximum Call option.

In [46]:
jd = jump_diffusion('jd_obj', me_jd)
In [47]:
me_max_call = market_environment('put', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
me_max_call.add_constant('maturity', dt.datetime(2014, 9, 15))
me_max_call.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')

Payoff definitions in this case must specify the underlying.

In [48]:
payoff_call = "np.maximum(np.maximum(maturity_value['gbm'], maturity_value['jd']) - 34., 0)"

We use a sub-set of the whole market for the valuation.

In [49]:
assets = {'gbm' : me_gbm, 'jd' : me_jd}
asset_corr = [correlations[0]]
In [50]:
max_call = valuation_mcs_multi_european('max_call', me_max_call, assets, asset_corr,
In [51]:

Of course, you now have two different Delta values.

In [52]:'gbm')
In [53]:'jd')

Let us generate a somehow broader overview of the option statistics. We start with the present value of the option given different initial values for the two underlyings.

In [54]:
asset_1 = np.arange(28., 46.1, 2.)
asset_2 = asset_1
a_1, a_2 = np.meshgrid(asset_1, asset_2)
value = np.zeros_like(a_1)
In [55]:
for i in range(np.shape(value)[0]):
    for j in range(np.shape(value)[1]):
        max_call.update('gbm', initial_value=a_1[i, j])
        max_call.update('jd', initial_value=a_2[i, j])
        value[i, j] = max_call.present_value()
CPU times: user 4.15 s, sys: 194 ms, total: 4.35 s
Wall time: 4.35 s

And the graphical representation of the option present values.

In [56]:
plot_greeks_3d([a_1, a_2, value], ['gbm', 'jd', 'present value'])

Now the surfaces for the Greeks. Delta values first.

In [57]:
delta_1 = np.zeros_like(a_1)
delta_2 = np.zeros_like(a_1)
In [58]:
for i in range(np.shape(delta_1)[0]):
    for j in range(np.shape(delta_1)[1]):
        max_call.update('gbm', initial_value=a_1[i, j])
        max_call.update('jd', initial_value=a_2[i, j])
        delta_1[i, j] ='gbm')
        delta_2[i, j] ='jd')
CPU times: user 13.5 s, sys: 636 ms, total: 14.1 s
Wall time: 14.2 s

The surface for the gbm Delta.

In [59]:
plot_greeks_3d([a_1, a_2, delta_1], ['gbm', 'jd', 'delta gbm'])

The surface for the jd Delta.

In [60]:
plot_greeks_3d([a_1, a_2, delta_2], ['gbm', 'jd', 'delta jd'])

Finally, the values for the two Vega dimensions.

In [61]:
vega_1 = np.zeros_like(a_1)
vega_2 = np.zeros_like(a_1)
In [62]:
for i in range(np.shape(vega_1)[0]):
    for j in range(np.shape(vega_1)[1]):
        max_call.update('gbm', initial_value=a_1[i, j])
        max_call.update('jd', initial_value=a_2[i, j])
        vega_1[i, j] = max_call.vega('gbm')
        vega_2[i, j] = max_call.vega('jd')
CPU times: user 12.1 s, sys: 564 ms, total: 12.7 s
Wall time: 12.7 s

The surface for the gbm Vega.

In [63]:
plot_greeks_3d([a_1, a_2, vega_1], ['gbm', 'jd', 'vega gbm'])

The surface for the jd Vega.

In [64]:
plot_greeks_3d([a_1, a_2, vega_2], ['gbm', 'jd', 'vega jd'])

American Minimum Put on 2 Assets

Finally, the third underlying needed.

In [65]:
sv = jump_diffusion('sv_obj', me_sv)
In [66]:
me_min_put = market_environment('min_put', dt.datetime(2014, 1, 1))
me_min_put.add_constant('maturity', dt.datetime(2014, 6, 17))
me_min_put.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')

This time, the derivative is a Minimum put option with American exercise.

In [67]:
payoff_put = "np.maximum(32. - np.minimum(instrument_values['jd'], instrument_values['sv']), 0)"
In [68]:
assets = {'jd' : me_jd, 'sv' : me_sv}
asset_corr = [correlations[1]]
[['jd', 'sv', -0.75]]
In [69]:
min_put = valuation_mcs_multi_american('min_put', val_env=me_min_put, assets=assets,
                       correlations=asset_corr, payoff_func=payoff_put)
In [70]:

Again, two different values for the Greeks.

In [71]:
In [72]:

Derivatives Positions

The derivative class specifies a whole derivatives position.

In [73]:
am_put_pos = derivative('am_put_pos', 2, ['gbm'], me_put, 'American',
                      'np.maximum(instrument_values - 36., 0)')
In [74]:
max_call_pos = derivative('max_call_pos', 3, ['gbm', 'jd'], me_max_call,
                          'Multi European', payoff_call)
In [75]:
min_put_pos = derivative('min_put_pos', 5, ['sv', 'jd'], me_min_put,
                         'Multi American', payoff_put)


All is together to compose a portfolio with the derivatives positions as defined before.

In [76]:
positions = {'am_put_pos' : am_put_pos, 'max_call_pos' : max_call_pos,
             'min_put_pos' : min_put_pos}
In [77]:
port = portfolio('portfolio', positions, val_env, underlyings, correlations)

DX Analytics allows for an integrated, consistent valuation of the portfolio given e.g. correlations between underlyings.

In [78]:
CPU times: user 4.1 s, sys: 160 ms, total: 4.26 s
Wall time: 4.24 s

position name quantity value currency pos_value pos_delta pos_vega
0 max_call_pos max_call_pos 3 5.677053 EUR 17.031159 {'jd': 0.9873, 'gbm': 1.68567} {'jd': 18.3546, 'gbm': 25.8762}
1 am_put_pos am_put_pos 2 3.770114 EUR 7.540228 1.30004 26.019
2 min_put_pos min_put_pos 5 4.617262 EUR 23.086310 {'jd': -0.88965, 'sv': -0.84235} {'jd': 25.251, 'sv': 9.617}

Let's have a look at two paths of two correlated underlyings.

In [79]:
path_no = 20
paths1 = port.underlying_objects['gbm'].get_instrument_values()[:, path_no]
paths2 = port.underlying_objects['jd'].get_instrument_values()[:, path_no]

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths1, 'r', label='gbm')
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths2, 'b', label='jd')
plt.legend(loc=0); plt.grid(True)
# positive correlation case

The architecture and approach lends itself pretty well for risk management, scenario analysis and stress testing. For example, you could consider an alternative set of correlations.

In [80]:
correlations = [['gbm', 'jd', -0.7], ['jd', 'sv', 0.7]]
In [81]:
port = portfolio('portfolio', positions, val_env, underlyings, correlations)
In [82]:
position name quantity value currency pos_value pos_delta pos_vega
0 max_call_pos max_call_pos 3 6.833435 EUR 20.500305 {'jd': 1.19421, 'gbm': 1.84566} {'jd': 24.5532, 'gbm': 31.0476}
1 am_put_pos am_put_pos 2 3.780468 EUR 7.560936 1.27656 27.9452
2 min_put_pos min_put_pos 5 4.182950 EUR 20.914750 {'jd': -0.53865, 'sv': -1.0651} {'jd': -0.392, 'sv': 4.795}

Let's have a look at the same two paths of two correlated underlyings.

In [83]:
path_no = 20
paths1 = port.underlying_objects['gbm'].get_instrument_values()[:, path_no]
paths2 = port.underlying_objects['jd'].get_instrument_values()[:, path_no]

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths1, 'r', label='gbm')
plt.plot(port.time_grid, paths2, 'b', label='jd')
plt.legend(loc=0); plt.grid(True)
# negative correlation case

Why DX Analytics?

DX Analytics leverages the experience from using Python for derivatives analytics of more than 10 years.

  • Ph.D. research – felt in love with Harrison-Kreps-Pliska general valuation approach
  • Visixion foundation in 2004 – first steps with Python & Monte Carlo simulation
  • DEXISION prototyping from 2007 – using Python to build the first prototype
  • DEXISION analytics suite from 2009 – using Python and Web technologies to provide analytics as a service
  • Derivatives Analytics with Python 2011-2013 – writing a book based on university lectures and Python experience
  • DX Analytics since QIV 2013 – putting all lessons learned together to write a new library

You can sign up for a DEXISION trial here All you have seen today and more in a standardized, Web-based fashion with a GUI.

DX Analytics is ...

  • Pythonic: completely Python-based with Pythonic class designs and APIs
  • flexible: Monte Carlo simulation as numerical method gives highest degree of flexibility
  • consistent: Global Valuation approach allows for consistent value and risk aggregation over the full distribution/per path
  • enhanceable: new features, numerical methods, improvements are easily added and deployed
  • performant: the use of NumPy vectorization throughout leads to performant numericla computions; parallelization can be added if necessary
  • integrable: use cases and scenarios range from stand alone to Excel integration to a (Web) service based approach
  • open: due to the use of market environment objects throughout, data from any source can be used to implement derivatives analytics

Why Python in Finance?

10 years ago, Python was considered exotic in Finance – at best. Today, Python has become a major force in Finance due to a number of characteristics:

  • multi-purpose: prototyping, development, production, sytems administration – Python is one for all
  • libraries: there is a library for almost any task or problem you face
  • efficiency: Python speeds up all IT development tasks financial institutions typically face and reduces maintenance costs
  • performance: Python has evolved from a scripting language to a 'meta' language with bridges to all high performance environments (e.g. LLVM, multi-core CPUs, GPUs, clusters)
  • interoperability: Python seamlessly integrates with almost any other language and technology
  • interactivity: Python allows domain experts to get closer to their business and financial data pools and to do interactive real-time analytics
  • collaboration: tools like Wakari allow developers and data scientists to collaborate across companies and business departments, to share code, data and their analytics insights easily

The Python Quants

The Python Quants GmbH – Python for Data Exploration & Visualization

The Python Quants GmbH – the company Web site

Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch – my personal Web site

Derivatives Analytics with Python – my new book

Read an Excerpt and Order the Book

Contact Us |

@dyjh | @ContinuumIO

In [84]:
# Autosave Function for IPyton Notebook
def autosave(interval=3):
    """Autosave the notebook every interval (in minutes)"""
    from IPython.core.display import Javascript
    interval *= 60 * 1000 # JS wants intervals in miliseconds
    tpl = 'setInterval ( "IPython.notebook.save_notebook()", %i );'
    return Javascript(tpl % interval)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript at 0x10d2df050>