Python for Quant Finance Meetup, 15.02.2016
Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch
The Python Quants GmbH
For the curious:
As an illustrative example we are going to analyze index data for the EURO STOXX 50 stock index and its volatility index VSTOXX. First, some Python imports.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
Second, some R imports.
STOXX Limited provides open data for the two indicies on their Web site. We start with the VSTOXX data.
vs_url = ''
vs = pd.read_csv(vs_url, # filename
index_col=0, # index column (dates)
parse_dates=True, # parse date information
dayfirst=True, # day before month
header=2) # header/column names
vs = vs.resample('MS') # resampling to month start frequency
A quick look at the most recent data rows.
V2TX | V6I1 | V6I2 | V6I3 | V6I4 | V6I5 | V6I6 | V6I7 | V6I8 | |
Date | |||||||||
2015-10-01 | 23.650945 | 23.610630 | 24.053955 | 24.104005 | 24.420600 | 24.953082 | 25.060995 | 25.282791 | 25.778995 |
2015-11-01 | 22.819967 | 22.048163 | 22.769295 | 22.446665 | 23.512514 | 24.191938 | 24.377910 | 24.622286 | 25.236167 |
2015-12-01 | 23.773375 | 27.789483 | 23.793500 | 24.163295 | 24.787850 | 25.179785 | 25.328595 | 25.543580 | 25.921474 |
2016-01-01 | 29.650480 | 30.799394 | 29.462415 | 28.658326 | 28.718210 | 28.152100 | 27.895670 | 27.711790 | 27.275525 |
2016-02-01 | 32.171720 | 32.637760 | 32.189910 | 31.089790 | 30.996920 | 30.363330 | 30.206020 | 29.880490 | 29.420770 |
Retrieval of the EURO STOXX 50 data is a bit more involved.
cols = ['Date', 'SX5P', 'SX5E', 'SXXP', 'SXXE',
'SXXF', 'SXXA', 'DK5F', 'DKXF', 'DEL']
es_url = ''
es = pd.read_csv(es_url, # filename
header=None, # ignore column names
index_col=0, # index column (dates)
parse_dates=True, # parse these dates
dayfirst=True, # format of dates
skiprows=4, # ignore these rows
sep=';', # data separator
names=cols) # use these column names
del es['DEL']
es = es.resample('MS') # resampling to month start
Another quick look at this data set.
Date | ||||||||
2015-10-01 | 3122.319545 | 3275.478636 | 364.093636 | 342.184545 | 428.119091 | 374.868636 | 9831.232727 | 596.840455 |
2015-11-01 | 3244.483810 | 3439.572381 | 378.570000 | 358.219048 | 446.125238 | 387.472381 | 10148.546667 | 622.268095 |
2015-12-01 | 3102.559545 | 3288.632727 | 365.571818 | 345.998182 | 433.103182 | 374.091818 | 9908.342273 | 612.990455 |
2016-01-01 | 2884.365000 | 3030.504500 | 339.934500 | 320.753000 | 403.609500 | 348.774000 | 9347.080000 | 575.960500 |
2016-02-01 | 2719.260000 | 2840.141000 | 321.522000 | 301.931000 | 380.421000 | 331.262000 | 8808.030000 | 543.555000 |
We write a sub-set of the data to disk as a CSV
data = vs.join(es)[['V2TX', 'SX5E']]
A visualization of the data we are going to work with.
data.plot(subplots=True, color='b', figsize=(10, 6));
The time series are negatively correlated.
V2TX | SX5E | |
V2TX | 1.000000 | -0.335169 |
SX5E | -0.335169 | 1.000000 |
A VAR model is an $n$-equation, $n$-variable model in which each variable is explained by its own lagged values plus the current and past values of the remaining $n-1$ variables.
Assume we have an economic/financial system with a vector of (demeaned) variables $z_t$. The VAR in structural form is:
$$ Az_t = B_1z_{t-1} + B_2z_{t-2}+ ... + B_pz_{t-p}+u_t $$with
\begin{eqnarray*} Euu' = \Sigma_u = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{u1}^2 \ 0 \ \dots \ 0 \\ 0 \ \sigma_{u2}^2 \ \dots \ 0 \\ \vdots \ \vdots \ \ddots \ \vdots \\ 0 \ 0 \ \dots \ \sigma_{un}^2 \end{bmatrix} \end{eqnarray*}The model can also be written as:
$$ z_t = A_t^1B_1z_{t-1} + A_t^1B_2z_{t-2}+ ... + A_t^1B_pz_{t-p}+u_t $$In addition, it holds $E(u_t)=0$, $E(u_tu'_\tau)=\Sigma_u$ for $t=\tau$ and 0 otherwise.
The data can be read easily with R.
vd <- read.csv('SX5E_V2TX.csv')
data <- xts(vd[, -1], as.POSIXct(as.character(vd[,1]), format="%Y-%m-%d"))
Next, we generate a multivariate VAR model in R. We start with a simple one.
mod <- VAR(data,
p=1, # one lage only
type='const'); # only mean relevant
The summary statistics from the model evaluation.
VAR Estimation Results: ========================= Endogenous variables: V2TX, SX5E Deterministic variables: const Sample size: 205 Log Likelihood: -1840.859 Roots of the characteristic polynomial: 0.9654 0.893 Call: VAR(y = data, p = 1, type = "const") Estimation results for equation V2TX: ===================================== V2TX = V2TX.l1 + SX5E.l1 + const Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) V2TX.l1 0.8844187 0.0361683 24.453 <2e-16 *** SX5E.l1 0.0004605 0.0004378 1.052 0.294 const 1.3925538 1.9613288 0.710 0.479 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 4.513 on 202 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.7643, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7619 F-statistic: 327.4 on 2 and 202 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Estimation results for equation SX5E: ===================================== SX5E = V2TX.l1 + SX5E.l1 + const Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) V2TX.l1 -1.50875 1.23506 -1.222 0.2233 SX5E.l1 0.97399 0.01495 65.149 <2e-16 *** const 119.71537 66.97481 1.787 0.0754 . --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 154.1 on 202 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.9599, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9595 F-statistic: 2419 on 2 and 202 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Covariance matrix of residuals: V2TX SX5E V2TX 20.37 -511.1 SX5E -511.11 23753.7 Correlation matrix of residuals: V2TX SX5E V2TX 1.0000 -0.7348 SX5E -0.7348 1.0000
Fitting of the EURO STOXX 50 index.
%R plot(mod, names='SX5E')
Forecast with the simple model.
pr = predict(mod, n.ahead=60, ci=0.9, dumvar = NULL)
Second, a more sophisticated one.
mod <- VAR(data,
p=12, # using 12 lags
season=12, # seasonality of 12 lags
type='both'); # both mean and trend
Fitting results (I).
%R plot(mod, names='SX5E')
Fitting results (II).
%R plot(mod, names='V2TX')
A forecast over 60 months.
pr = predict(mod, n.ahead=60, ci=0.9, dumvar = NULL)
Model calibration is a numerical optimization routine that looks for such parameters for a given model that best replicate market observed option quotes.
In our case, we fit a square-root diffusion (CIR) process with 3 parameters to options on the VSTOXX volatility index.
$$dv_t = \kappa (\theta - v_t) dt + \sigma \sqrt{v_t} dZ_t$$%run
A possible calibration result might look as follows.
from IPython.display import Image
Image('calibration_result.png', width='75%')
We import the data set ...
para = pd.read_csv('srd_parameters.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
para[['initial_value', 'kappa', 'theta', 'sigma', 'MSE']].head()
initial_value | kappa | theta | sigma | MSE | |
date | |||||
2014-01-02 | 18.9286 | 2.735729 | 17.313088 | 3.553804 | 0.002043 |
2014-01-03 | 18.0018 | 2.687111 | 17.415745 | 3.648552 | 0.001941 |
2014-01-06 | 18.1672 | 2.684570 | 17.438809 | 3.639782 | 0.002013 |
2014-01-07 | 17.1932 | 2.711549 | 17.644289 | 3.608929 | 0.004547 |
2014-01-08 | 17.3671 | 2.737476 | 17.841848 | 3.592961 | 0.003493 |
... and plot it.
para[['initial_value', 'kappa', 'theta', 'sigma', 'MSE']].plot(
figsize=(10, 12), subplots=True, color='b');
We write the relevant sub-set of the data to disk ...
para = para[['initial_value', 'kappa', 'theta', 'sigma']]
para[para.index < '2014-3-1'].to_csv('srd_para_for_r.csv')
len(para[para.index >= '2014-3-1']) # out-of-sample period
... and read it with R.
vd <- read.csv('srd_para_for_r.csv')
data <- xts(vd[, -1], as.POSIXct(as.character(vd[, 1]), format="%Y-%m-%d"))
The VAR model based on the calibration data.
%R mod <- VAR(data, p=5, season=5, type='both');
For instance, theta
shows a good fit.
%R plot(mod, names='theta')
We generate a forecast for 21 trading days.
pr = predict(mod, n.ahead=21, ci=0.75, dumvar = NULL)
The forecast results are found in the fcst
%R attr(pr, 'names')
array(['fcst', 'endog', 'model', 'exo.fcst'], dtype='|S8')
We pull the results to the Python run-time ...
ivs <- pr$fcst$initial_value
ks <- pr$fcst$kappa
ts <- pr$fcst$theta
ss <- pr$fcst$sigma
%Rpull ivs
%Rpull ks
%Rpull ts
%Rpull ss
... and store them in pandas DataFrame
index = pd.date_range(start='2014-3-1', periods=len(ivs), freq='B')
fce = pd.DataFrame({'initial_value' : ivs[:, 0],
'kappa' : ks[:, 0],
'theta' : ts[:, 0],
'sigma' : ss[:, 0]}, index=index)
fce = fce.append(para[para.index == '2014-2-28']).sort()
fcl = pd.DataFrame({'initial_value' : ivs[:, 1],
'kappa' : ks[:, 1],
'theta' : ts[:, 1],
'sigma' : ss[:, 1]}, index=index)
fcl = fcl.append(para[para.index == '2014-2-28']).sort()
fcu = pd.DataFrame({'initial_value' : ivs[:, 2],
'kappa' : ks[:, 2],
'theta' : ts[:, 2],
'sigma' : ss[:, 2]}, index=index)
fcu = fcu.append(para[para.index == '2014-2-28']).sort()
The forecast results plotted with Python.
ax = fce.plot(figsize=(10, 12), subplots=True, style='b--');
fcl.plot(subplots=True, style='r--', ax=ax, label='lower', legend=False);
fcu.plot(subplots=True, style='y--', ax=ax, label='upper', legend=False);
para[['initial_value', 'kappa', 'sigma', 'theta']][
para.index >= '2014-2-28'].plot(subplots=True,
style='b-', ax=ax, legend=False);
DX Analytics is a Python library for advanced financial and derivatives analytics authored and maintained by The Python Quants. It is particularly suited to model multi-risk and exotic derivatives and to do a consistent valuation of complex derivatives portfolios. It mainly uses Monte Carlo simulation since it is the only numerical method capable of valuing and risk managing complex, multi-risk derivatives books.
DX Analytics is open source, cf. &
The development of the library is guided by two central principles.
This example values a portfolio with 50 (correlated) risk factors and 250 options (European/American exercise) via Monte Carlo simulation in risk-neutral fashion with stochastic short rates.
In what follows, we model the VSTOXX volatility index by a square-root diffusion process with DX Analytics. First, some imports.
import dx
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
All relevant data is stored in a market_environment
r = dx.constant_short_rate('r', 0.01)
me = dx.market_environment('me', para.index[0])
me.add_constant('initial_value', para['initial_value'].ix[0])
me.add_constant('kappa', para['kappa'].ix[0])
me.add_constant('theta', para['theta'].ix[0])
me.add_constant('volatility', para['sigma'].ix[0])
me.add_constant('final_date', dt.datetime(2014, 4, 18))
me.add_constant('currency', 'EUR')
me.add_constant('paths', 50000)
me.add_constant('frequency', 'W')
me.add_curve('discount_curve', r)
With this data, we instantiate the simulation object and simulate the process.
vstoxx = dx.square_root_diffusion('vstoxx', me)
paths = vstoxx.get_instrument_values()
The first 10 paths from the Monte Carlo simulation.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6));
plt.plot(vstoxx.time_grid, paths[:, :10]);
We import options data for VSTOXX options and pick a particular option to do the further analyses.
h5 = pd.HDFStore('vstoxx_march_2014.h5', 'r')
od = h5['vstoxx_options']
od.set_index('DATE', drop=True, inplace=True)
strike = 19.0
odat = od[(od.TYPE == 'C') # call option
& (od.STRIKE == strike) # fixed strike
& (od.MATURITY == '2014-4-18')] # fixed maturity date
The options price for the European call option over time.
odat['PRICE'].plot(figsize=(10, 6));
In a next step, we instantiate a valuation object for a single-risk derivative instrument — in our case a European call option.
me.add_constant('strike', strike)
me.add_constant('maturity', dt.datetime(2014, 4, 18))
payoff = 'np.maximum(maturity_value - strike, 0)'
call = dx.valuation_mcs_european_single(name='call', underlying=vstoxx,
mar_env=me, payoff_func=payoff)
The valuation takes then only a single method call.
We now take the calibration data and derive/re-calculate values for the option over the first quarter of 2014.
modvalues = []
for i in range(len(para)):
pricing_date = para.index[i]
initial_value, kappa, theta, sigma = para.ix[i][
['initial_value', 'kappa', 'theta', 'sigma']]
vstoxx.update(pricing_date=pricing_date, initial_value=initial_value,
kappa=kappa, theta=theta, volatility=sigma)
call.pricing_date = pricing_date
CPU times: user 1.49 s, sys: 181 ms, total: 1.67 s Wall time: 1.67 s
The result is a time series with the call option values.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6));
plt.plot(odat.index, odat['PRICE'], label='market quote');
plt.plot(para.index, modvalues, '--', label='model value');
plt.ylabel('call value');
Next, and maybe a bit more interesting, we do a option price forecast for April 2014 based on the VAR results.
collect = {}
for fc, name in zip([fce, fcl, fcu], ['mean', 'lower', 'upper']):
values = [odat[odat.index == '2014-2-28']['PRICE']]
for i in range(1, len(fc)):
pricing_date = fc.index[i]
initial_value, kappa, theta, sigma = fc.ix[i][
['initial_value', 'kappa', 'theta', 'sigma']]
vstoxx.update(pricing_date=pricing_date, initial_value=initial_value,
kappa=kappa, theta=theta, volatility=sigma)
call.pricing_date = pricing_date
collect[name] = values
fcresults = pd.DataFrame(collect, fc.index)
CPU times: user 913 ms, sys: 27 ms, total: 940 ms Wall time: 909 ms
The European call values based on the parameter forecasts visualized.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6));
plt.plot(odat.index, odat['PRICE'], label='market quote');
plt.plot(para.index, modvalues, '--', label='model value');
plt.plot(fcresults.index, fcresults['lower'], label='lower')
plt.plot(fcresults.index, fcresults['mean'], label='mean')
plt.plot(fcresults.index, fcresults['upper'], label='upper')
plt.ylabel('call value'); plt.legend(loc=0); plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate();
Some major insights from today:
package (constant + trend + seasonality) | @dyjh |
Python Quant Platform |
Python for Finance | Python for Finance @ O'Reilly
Derivatives Analytics with Python | Derivatives Analytics @ Wiley Finance
Listed Volatility and Variance Derivatives | Listed VV Derivatives @ Wiley Finance