Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch
The Python Quants GmbH
CodeJam, Forschungszentrum Jülich – 29. Januar 2014
A brief bio:
See www.hilpisch.com
Corporations, decision makers and analysts nowadays generally face a number of problems with data:
In addition to these data-oriented problems, there typically are organizational issues that have to be considered:
This presentation focuses on
It does not address such important issues like
A fundamental Python stack for interactive data analytics and visualization should at least contain the following libraries tools:
It is best to use either the Python distribution Anaconda or the Web-based analytics environment Wakari. Both provide almost "complete" Python environments.
For example, pandas can, among others, help with the following data-related problems:
As a simple example let's generate a NumPy array with five sets of 1000 (pseudo-)random numbers each.
import numpy as np # this imports the NumPy library
data = np.random.standard_normal((5, 1000)) # generate 5 sets with 1000 rn each
data[:, :5].round(3) # print first five values of each set rounded to 3 digits
array([[ 0.785, -0.544, 0.437, 0.793, -1.705], [-0.476, -0.115, -0.95 , -0.8 , 0.172], [-0.349, -1.35 , 0.188, -0.521, -1.299], [ 0.392, 0.062, 0.755, -1.712, 0.966], [-0.252, -0.504, 1.731, -0.559, 1.605]])
Let's plot a histogram of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd data set.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # this imports matplotlib.pyplot
plt.hist([data[0], data[1], data[2]], label=['Set 0', 'Set 1', 'Set 2'])
plt.grid(True) # grid for better readability
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x105cc5910>
We then want to plot the 'running' cumulative sum of each set.
plt.figure() # initialize figure object
for data_set in enumerate(data): # iterate over all rows
plt.plot(data_set[1].cumsum(), label='Set %s' % data_set[0])
# plot the running cumulative sums for each row
plt.legend(loc=0) # write legend with labels
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x105f2ffd0>
Some fundamental statistics from our data sets.
data.mean(axis=1) # average value of the 5 sets
array([-0.05009487, -0.02224559, 0.01991948, 0.01816627, 0.01484693])
data.std(axis=1) # standard deviation of the 5 sets
array([ 0.97038583, 1.00002371, 0.96460241, 1.01051799, 0.99002334])
np.round(np.corrcoef(data), 2) # correlation matrix of the 5 data sets
array([[ 1. , -0.01, 0.03, 0.02, -0.05], [-0.01, 1. , -0.02, -0.04, 0.08], [ 0.03, -0.02, 1. , 0.04, -0.03], [ 0.02, -0.04, 0.04, 1. , 0.04], [-0.05, 0.08, -0.03, 0.04, 1. ]])
Currently, and in the foreseeable future as well, most corporate data is stored in SQL databases. We take this as a starting point and generate a SQL table with dummy data.
filename = 'numbers'
import sqlite3 as sq3 # imports the SQLite library
# Remove files if they exist
import os
os.remove(filename + '.db')
os.remove(filename + '.h5')
os.remove(filename + '.csv')
os.remove(filename + '.xlsx')
We create a table and populate the table with the dummy data.
query = 'CREATE TABLE numbs (no1 real, no2 real, no3 real, no4 real, no5 real)'
con = sq3.connect(filename + '.db')
# Writing Random Numbers to SQLite3 Database
rows = 500000 # 500,000 rows for the SQL table (ca. 25 MB in size)
nr = np.random.standard_normal((rows, 5))
%time con.executemany('INSERT INTO numbs VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', nr)
CPU times: user 8.41 s, sys: 176 ms, total: 8.59 s Wall time: 8.62 s
We can now read the data into a NumPy array.
# Reading a couple of rows from SQLite3 database table
array(con.execute('SELECT * FROM numbs').fetchmany(3)).round(3)
array([[ 2.322, -1.008, 0.967, 0.84 , 0.565], [-0.708, -0.826, -0.042, -1.043, 2.123], [-1.141, -0.388, -1.418, 1.172, 0.093]])
# Reading the whole table into an NumPy array
%time result = array(con.execute('SELECT * FROM numbs').fetchall())
CPU times: user 4.85 s, sys: 155 ms, total: 5 s Wall time: 5.06 s
result[:3].round(3) # the same rows from the in-memory array
array([[ 2.322, -1.008, 0.967, 0.84 , 0.565], [-0.708, -0.826, -0.042, -1.043, 2.123], [-1.141, -0.388, -1.418, 1.172, 0.093]])
nr = 0.0; result = 0.0 # memory clean-up
pandas is optimized both for convenience and performance when it comes to analytics and I/O operations.
import pandas as pd
import pandas.io.sql as pds
%time data = pds.read_frame('SELECT * FROM numbs', con)
CPU times: user 1.93 s, sys: 132 ms, total: 2.06 s Wall time: 2.07 s
no1 | no2 | no3 | no4 | no5 | |
0 | 2.321564 | -1.007644 | 0.966935 | 0.839818 | 0.565468 |
1 | -0.707621 | -0.825653 | -0.042492 | -1.042881 | 2.122805 |
2 | -1.141395 | -0.388145 | -1.418309 | 1.172099 | 0.093294 |
3 | -1.656099 | 0.111377 | -1.839475 | -0.365148 | 0.162408 |
4 | 0.112878 | -1.655273 | -0.508052 | -0.287389 | -0.559542 |
5 rows × 5 columns
The plotting of larger data sets often is a problem. This can easily be accomplished here by only plotting every 500th data row, for instance.
data[::500].cumsum().plot(grid=True, legend=True) # every 500th row is plotted
<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x108758450>
There are some reasons why you may want to write the DataFrame to disk:
pandas is tightly integrated with PyTables, a library that implements the HDF5 standard for Python. It makes data storage and I/O operations not only convenient but quite fast as well.
h5 = pd.HDFStore(filename + '.h5', 'w')
%time h5['data'] = data # writes the DataFrame to HDF5 database
CPU times: user 28.9 ms, sys: 35.9 ms, total: 64.8 ms Wall time: 75.6 ms
Now, we can read the data from the HDF5 file into another DataFrame object. Performance of such an operation generally is quite high.
%time data_new = h5['data']
CPU times: user 3.29 ms, sys: 12.6 ms, total: 15.9 ms Wall time: 14.9 ms
%time data.sum() - data_new.sum() # checking if the DataFrames are the same
CPU times: user 73.6 ms, sys: 13.2 ms, total: 86.8 ms Wall time: 83.6 ms
no1 0 no2 0 no3 0 no4 0 no5 0 dtype: float64
%time np.allclose(data, data_new, rtol=0.1)
CPU times: user 85.5 ms, sys: 28.6 ms, total: 114 ms Wall time: 113 ms
data_new = 0.0 # memory clean-up
pandas has powerful selection and querying mechanisms (I).
res = data[['no1', 'no2']][((data['no2'] > 0.5) | (data['no2'] < -0.5))]
plt.plot(res.no1, res.no2, 'ro')
plt.grid(True); plt.axis('tight')
(-4.5855019802135892, 4.2902614658186531, -4.7115453577460711, 4.5006018407498072)
pandas has powerful selection and querying mechanisms (II).
res = data[['no1', 'no2']][((data['no1'] > 0.5) | (data['no1'] < -0.5))
& ((data['no2'] < -1) | (data['no2'] > 1))]
plt.plot(res.no1, res.no2, 'ro')
plt.grid(True); plt.axis('tight')
(-4.360512668462273, 4.2902614658186531, -4.7115453577460711, 4.5006018407498072)
pandas has powerful selection and querying mechanisms (III).
res = data[['no1', 'no2', 'no3' ]][((data['no1'] > 1.5) | (data['no1'] < -1.5))
& ((data['no2'] < -1) | (data['no2'] > 1))
& ((data['no3'] < -1) | (data['no3'] > 1))]
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(res.no1, res.no2, res.no3, zdir='z', s=25, c='r', marker='o')
ax.set_xlabel('no1'); ax.set_ylabel('no2'); ax.set_zlabel('no3')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10616fa10>
The data is easily exported to different standard data file formats like comma separated value files (CSV).
%time data.to_csv(filename + '.csv') # writes the whole data set as CSV file
CPU times: user 5.04 s, sys: 176 ms, total: 5.21 s Wall time: 5.25 s
csv_file = open(filename + '.csv')
for i in range(5):
print csv_file.readline(),
,no1,no2,no3,no4,no5 0,2.321564183657276,-1.0076441547182922,0.9669345116776533,0.8398179850987361,0.5654678971576657 1,-0.7076206524338957,-0.8256527633342371,-0.042492017121949534,-1.042880737514809,2.12280463091422 2,-1.1413946947894245,-0.3881445591466267,-1.4183091603968363,1.1720993048812203,0.09329359013480651 3,-1.6560985353714768,0.1113772366765862,-1.8394747939237726,-0.36514754370691044,0.16240810586181725
pandas also interacts easily with Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (XLS/XLSX).
%time data.ix[:10000].to_excel(filename + '.xlsx') # first 10,000 rows written in a Excel file
CPU times: user 14.3 s, sys: 295 ms, total: 14.6 s Wall time: 14.5 s
With pandas you can in one step read data from an Excel file and e.g. plot it.
%time pd.read_excel(filename + '.xlsx', 'Sheet1').hist(grid=True)
CPU times: user 1.17 s, sys: 14.5 ms, total: 1.18 s Wall time: 1.19 s
array([[<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x10e42e190>, <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x10dae7fd0>, <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x10c17cf50>], [<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x10f801b50>, <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x10f7fae90>, <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x110d6bdd0>]], dtype=object)
One can also generate HTML code, e.g. for automatic Web-based report generation.
html_code = data.ix[:2].to_html()
u'<table border="1" class="dataframe">\n <thead>\n <tr style="text-align: right;">\n <th></th>\n <th>no1</th>\n <th>no2</th>\n <th>no3</th>\n <th>no4</th>\n <th>no5</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <th>0</th>\n <td> 2.321564</td>\n <td>-1.007644</td>\n <td> 0.966935</td>\n <td> 0.839818</td>\n <td> 0.565468</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>1</th>\n <td>-0.707621</td>\n <td>-0.825653</td>\n <td>-0.042492</td>\n <td>-1.042881</td>\n <td> 2.122805</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <th>2</th>\n <td>-1.141395</td>\n <td>-0.388145</td>\n <td>-1.418309</td>\n <td> 1.172099</td>\n <td> 0.093294</td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>'
from IPython.core.display import HTML
no1 | no2 | no3 | no4 | no5 | |
0 | 2.321564 | -1.007644 | 0.966935 | 0.839818 | 0.565468 |
1 | -0.707621 | -0.825653 | -0.042492 | -1.042881 | 2.122805 |
2 | -1.141395 | -0.388145 | -1.418309 | 1.172099 | 0.093294 |
Some final checks and data cleaning.
ll numb*
-rw-rw-rw- 1 yhilpisch staff 52468263 29 Jan 12:15 numbers.csv -rw-r--r-- 1 yhilpisch staff 27224064 29 Jan 12:15 numbers.db -rw-rw-rw- 1 yhilpisch staff 24007368 29 Jan 12:15 numbers.h5 -rw-rw-rw- 1 yhilpisch staff 766583 29 Jan 12:15 numbers.xlsx
data = 0.0 # memory clean-up
os.remove(filename + '.db')
os.remove(filename + '.h5')
os.remove(filename + '.csv')
os.remove(filename + '.xlsx')
The simulation of the movement of N bodies in relation to each other, where \(N\) is a large number and a body can be a star/planet or a small particle, is an important problem in Physics.
The basic simulation algorithm involves a number of iterations ("loops") since one has to determine the force that every single body exerts on all the other bodies in the system to be simulated (e.g. a galaxy or a system of atomic particles).
The algorithm lends iteself pretty well for parallization. However, the example code that follows does not use any parallelization techniques. It illustrates rather what speed-ups are achievable by
A description and discussion of the algorithm is found in the recent article Vladimirov, Andrey and Vadim Karpusenko (2013): "Test-Driving Intel Xeon-Phi Coprocessors with a Basic N-Body Simulation." White Paper, Colfax International.
We first use pure Python to implement the algorithm. We start by generating random vectors of particle locations and a zero vector for the speed of each particle.
import random
nParticles = 250
nSteps = 15
p_py = []
for i in range(nParticles):
p_py.append([random.gauss(0.0, 1.0) for j in range(3)])
pv_py = [[0, 0, 0] for x in p_py]
Next, we define the simulation function for the movements of each particle given their gravitational interaction.
def nbody_py(particle, particlev): # lists as input
dt = 0.01
for step in range(1, nSteps + 1, 1):
for i in range(nParticles):
Fx = 0.0; Fy = 0.0; Fz = 0.0
for j in range(nParticles):
if j != i:
dx = particle[j][0] - particle[i][0]
dy = particle[j][1] - particle[i][1]
dz = particle[j][2] - particle[i][2]
drSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
drPowerN32 = 1.0 / (drSquared + sqrt(drSquared))
Fx += dx * drPowerN32
Fy += dy * drPowerN32
Fz += dz * drPowerN32
particlev[i][0] += dt * Fx
particlev[i][1] += dt * Fy
particlev[i][2] += dt * Fz
for i in range(nParticles):
particle[i][0] += particlev[i][0] * dt
particle[i][1] += particlev[i][1] * dt
particle[i][2] += particlev[i][2] * dt
return particle, particlev
We then execute the function to measure execution speed.
%time p_py, pv_py = nbody_py(p_py, pv_py)
CPU times: user 13.1 s, sys: 33.9 ms, total: 13.1 s Wall time: 13.1 s
The basic algorithm allows for a number of vectorizations by using NumPy.
import numpy as np
p_np = np.random.standard_normal((nParticles, 3))
pv_np = np.zeros_like(p_np)
Using NumPy arrays and matplotlib's 3d plotting capabilities, we can easily visualize the intial positions of the particles in the space.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(p_np[:, 0], p_np[:, 1], p_np[:, 2],
c='r', marker='.')
<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Patch3DCollection at 0x10b360510>
The respective NumPy simulation function is considerably more compact.
def nbody_np(particle, particlev): # NumPy arrays as input
dt = 0.01
for step in range(1, nSteps + 1, 1):
Fp = np.zeros((nParticles, 3))
for i in range(nParticles):
dp = particle - particle[i]
drSquared = np.sum(dp ** 2, axis=1)
h = drSquared + np.sqrt(drSquared)
drPowerN32 = 1. / np.maximum(h, 1E-10)
Fp += -(dp.T * drPowerN32).T
particlev += dt * Fp
particle += particlev * dt
return particle, particlev
It is also considerably faster.
%time p_np, pv_np = nbody_np(p_np, pv_np)
CPU times: user 204 ms, sys: 1.19 ms, total: 205 ms Wall time: 205 ms
Let's check how the particles moved. The following is a snapshot of the final positions of all particles.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(p_np[:, 0], p_np[:, 1], p_np[:, 2],
c='r', marker='.')
<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Patch3DCollection at 0x10b68e1d0>
For this case, we first implement a function which is somehow a hybrid function of the pure Python (loop-heavy) and the NumPy array class-based version.
def nbody_hy(particle, particlev): # NumPy arrays as input
dt = 0.01
for step in range(1, nSteps + 1, 1):
for i in range(nParticles):
Fx = 0.0; Fy = 0.0; Fz = 0.0
for j in range(nParticles):
if j != i:
dx = particle[j,0] - particle[i,0]
dy = particle[j,1] - particle[i,1]
dz = particle[j,2] - particle[i,2]
drSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
drPowerN32 = 1.0 / (drSquared + sqrt(drSquared))
Fx += dx * drPowerN32
Fy += dy * drPowerN32
Fz += dz * drPowerN32
particlev[i, 0] += dt * Fx
particlev[i, 1] += dt * Fy
particlev[i, 2] += dt * Fz
for i in range(nParticles):
particle[i,0] += particlev[i,0] * dt
particle[i,1] += particlev[i,1] * dt
particle[i,2] += particlev[i,2] * dt
return particle, particlev
This function is then compiled with Numba.
import numba as nb
nbody_nb = nb.autojit(nbody_hy)
This new, compiled version of the hybrid function is yet faster.
p_nb = np.random.standard_normal((nParticles, 3))
pv_nb = np.zeros_like(p_nb)
%time p_nb, pv_nb = nbody_nb(p_nb, pv_nb)
CPU times: user 20.5 ms, sys: 33 µs, total: 20.5 ms Wall time: 20.5 ms
A helper function to compare the performances.
def perf_comp_data(func_list, data_list, rep=3, number=1):
from timeit import repeat
res_list = {}
for name in enumerate(func_list):
stmt = name[1] + '(' + data_list[name[0]] + ')'
setup = "from __main__ import " + name[1] + ', ' + data_list[name[0]]
results = repeat(stmt=stmt, setup=setup, repeat=rep, number=number)
res_list[name[1]] = sum(results) / rep
res_sort = sorted(res_list.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): (v, k))
for item in res_sort:
rel = item[1] / res_sort[0][1]
print 'function: ' + item[0] + ', av. time sec: %9.5f, ' % item[1] \
+ 'relative: %6.1f' % rel
The dynamically compiled version is by far the fastest.
func_list = ['nbody_py', 'nbody_np', 'nbody_nb', 'nbody_hy']
data_list = ['p_py, pv_py', 'p_np, pv_np', 'p_nb, pv_nb', 'p_nb, pv_nb']
perf_comp_data(func_list, data_list, rep=1)
function: nbody_nb, av. time sec: 0.01484, relative: 1.0 function: nbody_np, av. time sec: 0.17571, relative: 11.8 function: nbody_py, av. time sec: 12.86464, relative: 867.1 function: nbody_hy, av. time sec: 15.18388, relative: 1023.4
10 years ago, Python was considered exotic in the analytics space – at best. Languages/packages like R and Matlab dominated the scene. Today, Python has become a major force in data analytics & visualization due to a number of characteristics:
The Python Quants – the company Web site
Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch – my personal Web site
Derivatives Analytics with Python – my new book
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# Autosave Function for IPyton Notebook
def autosave(interval=3):
"""Autosave the notebook every interval (in minutes)"""
from IPython.core.display import Javascript
interval *= 60 * 1000 # JS wants intervals in miliseconds
tpl = 'setInterval ( "IPython.notebook.save_notebook()", %i );'
return Javascript(tpl % interval)
<IPython.core.display.Javascript at 0x108b4e5d0>