The Python Quants

N-Body Simulation with Python & Numba

Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch

The Python Quants GmbH


July 2013

Just-in-Time Compiler Numba


Numba is an open-source, NumPy-aware optimizing compiler for Python sponsored by The Python Quants GmbH It uses the remarkable LLVM compiler infrastructure to compile Python byte-code to machine code especially for use in the NumPy run-time and SciPy modules.

A simple example illustrates how Numba works. We start with a heavily looping function.

In [1]:
import time
def f(n):
    t0 = time.time()
    result = 0.0
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n * i):
            result += sin(pi / 2)
    return int(result), time.time()-t0

This function is executed to measure pure Python speed.

In [2]:
n = 500
res_py = f(n)
In [3]:
print "Number of Loops        %8d" % res_py[0]
print "Time in Sec for Python %8.3f" % res_py[1]
Number of Loops        62375000
Time in Sec for Python  161.194

We then compile the function just-in-time with Numba. Just a single line of code.

In [4]:
import numba as nb
f_nb = nb.autojit(f)

Get execution speed.

In [5]:
res_nb = f_nb(n)
In [6]:
print "Number of Loops        %8d" % res_nb[0]
print "Time in Sec for Python %8.3f" % res_nb[1]
Number of Loops        62375000
Time in Sec for Python    0.080

The speed-up is considerable – especially given the marginal additional effort.

In [7]:
print "Number of Loops        %8d" % res_py[0]
print "Speed-up of Numba      %8d" % (res_py[1] / res_nb[1])
Number of Loops        62375000
Speed-up of Numba          2004

N-Body Simulation

Problem Description

The simulation of the movement of N bodies in relation to each other, where N is a large number and a body can be a star/planet or a small particle, is an important problem in Physics.

The basic simulation algorithm involves a number of iterations ("loops") since one has to determine the force that every single body exerts on all the other bodies in the system to be simulated (e.g. a galaxy or a system of atomic particles).

The algorithm lends iteself pretty well for parallization. However, the example code that follows does not use any parallelization techniques. It illustrates rather what speed-ups are achievable by

  • using vectorization approaches with NumPy and
  • just-in-time compiling capabilities of Numba

A description and discussion of the algorithm is found in the recent article Vladimirov, Andrey and Vadim Karpusenko (2013): "Test-Driving Intel Xeon-Phi Coprocessors with a Basic N-Body Simulation." White Paper, Colfax International.

Pure Python

We first use pure Python to implement the algorithm. We start by generating random vectors of particle locations and a zero vector for the speed of each particle.

In [8]:
import random
In [9]:
nParticles = 1000
particle = []
for i in range(nParticles):
    particle.append([random.gauss(0.0, 1.0) for j in range(3)])
In [10]:
particlev = [[0, 0, 0] for x in particle]

Next, we define the simulation function for the movements of each particle given their gravitational interaction.

In [11]:
import time
def nbody(particle, particlev):  # lists as input
    t0 = time.time(); nSteps = 5; dt = 0.01
    for step in range(1, nSteps + 1, 1):
        for i in range(nParticles):
            Fx = 0.0; Fy = 0.0; Fz = 0.0
            for j in range(nParticles):
                if j != i:
                    dx = particle[j][0] - particle[i][0]
                    dy = particle[j][1] - particle[i][1]
                    dz = particle[j][2] - particle[i][2]
                    drSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
                    drPowerN32 = 1.0 / (drSquared + sqrt(drSquared))
                    Fx += dx * drPowerN32
                    Fy += dy * drPowerN32
                    Fz += dz * drPowerN32
                particlev[i][0] += dt * Fx
                particlev[i][1] += dt * Fy
                particlev[i][2] += dt * Fz
        for i in range(nParticles):
            particle[i][0] += particlev[i][0] * dt
            particle[i][1] += particlev[i][1] * dt
            particle[i][2] += particlev[i][2] * dt
    return time.time() - t0

We then execute the function to measure execution speed.

In [12]:
%time ti_py = nbody(particle, particlev)
CPU times: user 1min 9s, sys: 8 ms, total: 1min 9s
Wall time: 1min 10s

NumPy Solution

The basic algorithm allows for some vectorization of operation by using NumPy.

In [13]:
import numpy as np
In [14]:
particle = np.random.standard_normal((nParticles, 3))
particlev = np.zeros_like(particle)

Here, the somewhat shorter NumPy function.

In [15]:
def nbody_np(particle, particlev):  # NumPy arrays as input
    t0 = time.time(); nSteps = 5; dt = 0.01
    for step in range(1, nSteps + 1, 1):
        Fp = np.zeros((nParticles, 3))
        for i in range(nParticles):
            dp = particle - particle[i]
            drSquared = np.sum(dp ** 2, axis=1)
            h = drSquared + np.sqrt(drSquared)
            # drPowerN32 = np.where(h > 0., 1. / h, 1E-10)
            drPowerN32 = 1. / np.maximum(h, 1E-10)
            Fp += -(dp.T * drPowerN32).T
            particlev += dt * Fp
        particle += particlev * dt
    return time.time() - t0

This function is again executed for speed measurement.

In [16]:
%time ti_np = nbody_np(particle, particlev)
CPU times: user 712 ms, sys: 2 ms, total: 714 ms
Wall time: 718 ms

The speed-up already is considerable.

In [17]:
ti_py / ti_np

Numba JIT Solution

Now, we implement a somewhat adjusted Python/NumPy function that has NumPy array indexing.

In [18]:
def nbody(particle, particlev):  # NumPy arrays as input
    t0 = time.time(); nSteps = 5; dt = 0.01
    for step in range(1, nSteps + 1, 1):
        for i in range(nParticles):
            Fx = 0.0; Fy = 0.0; Fz = 0.0
            for j in range(nParticles):
                if j != i:
                    dx = particle[j,0] - particle[i,0]
                    dy = particle[j,1] - particle[i,1]
                    dz = particle[j,2] - particle[i,2]
                    drSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
                    drPowerN32 = 1.0 / (drSquared + sqrt(drSquared))
                    Fx += dx * drPowerN32
                    Fy += dy * drPowerN32
                    Fz += dz * drPowerN32
                particlev[i, 0] += dt * Fx
                particlev[i, 1] += dt * Fy
                particlev[i, 2] += dt * Fz
        for i in range(nParticles):
            particle[i,0] += particlev[i,0] * dt
            particle[i,1] += particlev[i,1] * dt
            particle[i,2] += particlev[i,2] * dt
    return time.time() - t0

This function is then comiled with Numba.

In [19]:
import numba as nb
In [20]:
nbody_nb = nb.autojit(nbody)
firstrun = nbody_nb(particle, particlev)

This again is executed for speed comparisons.

In [21]:
%time ti_nb = nbody_nb(particle, particlev)
CPU times: user 103 ms, sys: 1e+03 µs, total: 104 ms
Wall time: 105 ms

This again leads to a considerable speed-up versus NumPy.

In [22]:
ti_np / ti_nb  # speed-up vs. NumPy function

However, the speed-up in comparison to the pure Python solution is even more impressive.

In [23]:
ti_py / ti_nb  # speed-up vs. pure Python function

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